Father's day scrapbooking video + freebie!

Greetings, my dear readers!

We will be celebrating Mother's Day in just a few hours, but I am thinking of Father's Day, which we will celebrate on 20 June. But it is not an accident or a coincidence. In the creative business, we must always be one step ahead. That's why I prepared a short video for today with a presentation of how I work with my templates.

This is my final layout: 

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you've probably noticed that I really like clean, simple layouts. Even in this case, I chose to use only 2 main elements. In addition to the photo, I used a page tab template and a cute flag template. The pink rectangle below the photo had the task of breaking the uniformity of the background a bit and drawing attention to details, like a heart on a flag. 

The whole collage looks clean and airy. If you like richer decoration, it's up to you what elements to add to this base. Maybe I would choose flowers or some children's toys.

But to the point, here is a short video and a little inspiration on how to work with templates: 

If you are interested, have a look at my designs for Father's day on Etsy >>>

Finally, something good:-)  I have designed a nice picture frame for you to use in your scrapbooking for Father's Day. 

I didn't use it in the video because I only designed it after recording. But that doesn't detract from his value. I hope you like it.

Freebie contains picture frame template in:
- SVG file
- PNG file


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