My new collage journal and why I started it.

Happy New Year my dear friends!
After a little break, I am back online 😀, whoopee ... and I am excited to work on brand new design projects 😊! You will soon see them here on the blog too, of course.

But first - I would like to introduce to you some personal project of mine. With a new year, I decided to start a new journal. I know, it is no big surprise to you, isn't it? But, my goal is to set my mind to creative thinking every day.

So why I start one more journal for daily journaling?

I am a designer and sometimes I am struggling with new ideas in my designing work. I know, this is not something I can do a request for it. On the other hand, I believe, I can boost my creativity. I believe I can find new directions in my creation. Just simply with everyday practice. It is about the way I think...I tend to repeat myself too often, I guess. So this type of practice can be helpful. I have to focus on new elements and processes.
And why new journal and not one of the ones I actually use? Because I have a specific purpose for each of my journals and this type of practicing my creativity does not fit exactly any of them. And I would like to have all my practices in one place too.

I am at the beginning of my new journal ...

When I was planning this project, I thought I would create in this journal on a daily basis. But this didn't happen. I already missed some days. Here are some of my creations, I made small flip through video:

If you like this project, follow me on Pinterest or Instagram, where I will share all my future collages!
And there you can find more inspirations too 😍.
I love creations of @frau_biber and @lize.creates on Instagram, This year started the similar collage project @happyartmaggie too, so I am so so excited and I am looking for all the new collages on Instagram this year :-).
I also started Pinterest board COLLAGES I LIKE, you can follow it and get some inspiration.

Have a nice and inspiring day.


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